Please read carefully. This is an acknowledgment, waiver, and release from liability. I acknowledge that participating in the Corwiths Farmstand Mommy & Me Program (“Program”) carries with it a potential for injury. I hereby assume the risks inherent in that participation by my child, or children, and by myself. I acknowledge that my statements in this waiver and release from liability are being accepted by Corwiths Farmstand in consideration for allowing me and my child to participate in the Program and in any events or activities related thereto. I hereby take the following actions for myself, my executors, administrators, heirs, next of kin, successors, assigns, and anyone else who might claim or sue on my behalf, and I expressly acknowledge that it is my intent to take these actions: 1. I waive, release, and discharge from any and all claims losses, or liabilities for death, personal injury, partial or permanent disability, property damage, medical or hospital bills, accidents, theft or damage of any kind, including economic losses, which may arise out of or relate to my or my child or children participating in the Program, anyone associated with Corwiths Farmstand and its respective heirs, executors, administrators, legal representatives, successors, and assigns, including employees, directors, and trustees, from liabilities that are caused by the negligent act or omissions of the persons I am hereby releasing or are caused by the negligent acts of the persons I am hereby releasing or are caused by the negligent acts or omissions of any other person or entity. 2. I acknowledge that there may be risks associated with participation in The Program and I hereby assume those risks. All such risks being known and appreciated by me, I further acknowledge that these risks include risks that may be the result of the negligence of Corwiths Farmstand or of its employees, directors, trustees, agents, or associates. 3. I indemnify and hold harmless Corwiths Farmstand from any and all claims made or liabilities assessed against them as a result of a. my actions or inactions, and b. the actions, inactions, or negligence of others including those parties hereby indemnified. I hereby affirm that I am eighteen (18) years or old or older, I have read this document, and I understand its contents. I agree that my child has permission to take part in any and all activities. I agree to complete and promptly return to Corwiths Farmstand any additional information, releases, and/or medical forms regarding my enrolled camper(s).